Is This Pickleball Trick Shot Your Halloween Treat?

My pickleball instruction is all about getting the fundamentals right.  But since it is Halloween, I thought I would share my favorite pickleball trick shot.

pickleball trick shot

Fundamentals First

Let me be clear.  Learning pickleball fundamentals is critical.  Learning how to reliably hit basic pickleball shots, and how to apply basic pickleball strategies will take you further than learning any specialty shots.  Pickleball success is all about playing the percentages.

  • Aiming for the right side, rather than the right sideline;
  • Developing a pickleball serve that goes in every time;
  • Being able hit both a forehand and backhand consistently….etc.


Too often we get preoccupied with learning to hit a new shot.  Perhaps we try to imitate another player’s shot.  When you fixate on that, you tend to overdo it.  Soon you are scooping and chopping and flicking.  This never leads to high percentage pickleball and in fact, may have an adverse effect on your pickleball strokes.  So please, just in case I haven’t made myself clear….focus on the fundamentals first.

Pickleball Trick Shot

If you do want to try some pickleball trickery, let me suggest a simple but effective one I sometimes use.  The look away.  Though I would never recommend this in tennis, it is possible, effective, and can be fun when playing pickleball.

If you have a lot of confidence in your dinking, start there.   After a few dinks to the right, look to the left while hitting to the right.  It is super simple but effective.  Of course, the look away does require good paddle control. So practice it to get the feel.

If you have success, you can move on to harder put-aways.  Your opponent is likely to follow your eyes, perhaps leaning just a bit in the wrong direction.  Practice this pickleball trick shot and it may just become your treat on the court.


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